Facial Exercises V/s Face lift cosmetic surgery
Facial exercises are very popular these days in terms of being the best way to “tone” and “tighten” your skin. Just the way you work up your body to get the tight muscles, abs, or biceps at the gym, you cannot do the same with your skin. Unfortunately, the two concepts are very different from each other. In fact, facial exercises can be worse sometimes for your skin. Repetitive facial movements can contribute to signs of aging like fine lines, sagging skin, and wrinkles.
Categories :AwarenessHealth IssuesAbout Radix
Posted on: 27/09/2023

Tooth extraction for Diabetic patients! Is it safe?
Perhaps the most unsavory way of life conditions to have in the present time and age is diabetes, where your body loses its capacity to control the glucose levels in your body.Diabetes-associated peripheral arterial disease can reduce blood flow to the surgical area, resulting in delayed recovery. Additionally, in patients who have poor control of their blood sugar levels, surgical wounds stand a higher chance of being infected, further delaying recovery.
Categories :AwarenessHealth IssuesAbout Radix
Posted on: 27/09/2023

Diabetes-A Silent Killer
Diabetes is a metabolic hormonal imbalance characterized by high blood glucose, also known as blood sugar level. Insulin is an essential hormone that regulates how the body uses and stores glucose and fat in our body. Diabetes occurs if production of insulin in the pancreas reduces or stops, resulting in cells unavailable to absorb the glucose. As a result glucose starts to accumulate in blood instead of reaching vital organs leading to a state of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level).
Categories :AwarenessHealth Issues
Posted on: 27/09/2023

Win your own battles: Boost Your Immunity!!
Your gut is not las vegas, so what happens in the gut does not stay in the gut!! It is very important for us to keep the soldiers that fight the foreigners intruders strong and active. This can only be ensured by boosting your immunity.
Categories :AwarenessHealth Issues
Posted on: 27/09/2023

C-Section v/s normal delivery
Birth isn't something we suffer, but something we actively do and exult in. Childbirth is one of the biggest days of a woman’s life. The joy of having a child is greater than the pain that welcomes the baby in this world. Most mothers wish to have a normal delivery, but C-s...
Categories :About RadixAwarenessGynaecologySurgery
Posted on: 27/09/2023

All about The Space Between Your teeth!
It is commonly said that God has sent you to earth with an abundance of fortune if you have a gap or a space between your teeth!! Do you believe in this? Are you lucky? I meant..Do you have a gap or space between your teeth? A diastema (plural diastemata) is a spac...
Categories :About RadixAwarenessCosmo Dental
Posted on: 27/09/2023

Ways to Cope with Cancer Diagnosis
A life touched by Cancer is life forever changed. All of a sudden making plans for the future, setting goals, setting deadlines for tasks become unclear. Life begins to revolve around the diagnosis. The questions like 'Why me?' Horrors you. While...
Categories :About RadixAwarenessOncologyDiagnostic radiology
Posted on: 27/09/2023